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Used Oil Collection (UMO)
The United States consumes approximately 2.5 billion gallons per year of oil-based lubricants, roughly half automotive and half industrial. It is estimated that approximately 1.4 billion gallons of used oil is available for collection and re-use each year. Much of the collected used oil is burned and contains a slew of chemicals that create harmful emissions when combusted. By re-refining used oil, these harmful emissions are avoided, and the used oil can be re-refined several times. Our process uses less energy when compared to virgin lubricant production and results in lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Used Oil Feedstock
To guarantee that the oil collected is of the highest quality, our state-of-the-art lab applies a rigorous internal screening and approval process. Once the testing is complete, and the oil is verified, the re-refining process begins.
All used oil contains some percentage of water. The first step is to remove the water at an elevated temperature and a moderate application of vacuum. Any light fuels, such as gasoline or diesel that were inadvertently mixed with the used oil, are also removed and recovered during this step. These light fuels are the basis of our bt Industrial Fuels.
Industrial Fuels
Spec sheets coming soon.
Vacuum Distilation
After the water and fuel have been removed, the UMO stream is vacuum distilled using a wiped film and short path evaporator technology to segregate the vacuum gas oil (bt VGO) from the heavier hydrocarbons that become our bt FLUX.
The VGO stream is then introduced into a high temperature, high pressure catalytic hydrotreating unit to remove remaining impurities. The upgraded stream is a highly paraffinic base oil that meets American Petroleum Institute (API) Group II/II+ specifications—bt70, bt120 and bt220— suitable for blending into a wide variety of automotive and industrial lubricants. A high quality gas oil we call bt GO, is also produced as part of this process.
Lubricants Market
Products are then sold into the lubricants market where they are blended into high quality motor oils, lubricating oils and other industrial products. After these products have served their useful life, they can be re-refined again.